Saturday, April 7, 2012








Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Have you ever wonder where will you be IF ... ? People always like to say IF I do this, IF I where there... for me, I try not to regret on every steps of my life. How do I do that? I always weight my options and make the best decision I can.
My life right now is a mess! Never in my life I feel so loss and have no idea what I should be doing next. I'm sure this is one of the process of growing; somehow I just can't get over how overwhelmed I'm right now. First, I really feel excited that I'm finally graduated. Then, I THOUGHT I'll be easily get a job and start my normal life as a grown person. After some times of looking for job and wondering around, I loss my purpose and feel useless of doing nothing right now.
The pass few days I was talking to few people who influence me a lot in the past years. I found out that making a right decision now is not that hard. I had became a me that All I need to do is to find back the old me and do the right decision that is BEST for me, MYSELF and no one else. Is $$$ all I wanted or career? right now, it is $$$$. Without it, I have no idea how am I gonna survive.
Everything will be put aside for this few months, after that I'll make my decision whether I will be going back to my family or not... and that... will be the decision that gonna change my life....

Thursday, December 3, 2009



也就在当时,另一件事情也在发生中。曾经在我心中占了很重要的他(我称他为“甲”)开始对我有所行动,希望我们之间能回到从前的那种关系。当时的我心中确实有过感动,有考虑过我们之间或许真的还有可能,因为那时我的心中也还真的只有甲一人。只可惜当时的他因为醋劲大发,没能真真的看清我心中的想法。也就这样,甲开始和乙与乙的室友变得很要好,甚至开始在我背后说我的不是。当时心里真的很难过,还以为自认还爱着我的他会护着我,不会说我的坏话,但结果却让我彻底的失望。那时,他还和甲称兄道弟,他也以为甲会护着我们而不是在我们背后中伤我们。期间,甲曾经约我喝茶,对我说出他心中的感受,更希望我能再次接受他,我却拒绝了他。对甲,我当时只知道我已想放开了,因为在那之前我给了甲很多次的机会,甚至我们私底下还一直有见面,但甲都一直拒绝两人在回一起,说他想要开始新生活,也表明了他已不想和我再在一起。对于我们经常私底下见面,我真的不知道当时甲是抱着什么样的心态,是可怜我?享受?还是所谓的"take it for granted".真不知后来为何他能把自己变成受害者!!!更可恶的是那时的他私底下与我很要好,但在背后竟将我贬得一文不值。这件事我也是到最近才知道。这也就是直到今天我还无法原谅他的一点。甲在我心中已成为“多面人”,一个我再也不认识,也不想再认识的人。

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Winter Break

This winter break I spend a lot of my time travelling around. For me, this is really good as I finally make my dream come truth. Not only that, I had made a lot of new friends~ and guess what, those new friends I had made know each other! That's amazing isn't it?! As I said ealier "This is a small small world"!
I actually spend about three weeks in California. In between, I went to Las Vegas, San Francisco, Disneyland, and of course I stay in Los Angelas. Then I came back to Eau Claire and stay in my host family's house and waiting for my friend, Ivan to come over.
After Ivan reached Eau claire, we went to Madison for visiting my friends. Madison is a big city and we had a lot of fun there. Thank you Bernard and Yi Jing for planning all the activities for us while we visited them. By the way, I actually does something that is very new to me - the ice skating!! Whohoooo~~ Althought I havent get how to do it, it still so fun for me and I didnt give up in learning it!! That's good right?! I thnk so~ hahahahaha...
Now, Ivan went to his host family's house already and I'll spend few more days in my host family's house before I get back to my dorm.. I don't want to study~~~~ die~~~ this winter break had killed all my hardworking and brought laziness to me.. haiz...
Anyway, this is a brand new year for me and I wanted to make some changes in this year. Happy New Year to everyone and wish your dreams come truth!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Today I went to a farm to cut the christmas tree with my host family. Around 3pm, my host dad come to pick me and my host sister from tower, then we went to pick up my host mum. After that, we took about 15 to 20 minutes to reach the farm.
When we reach the farm, the worker in that farm come to us and ask what kind of tree are we looking for. Then we ride on a track to go to the farm. We get to chose the size of the tree we want and cut it off our selve.
It's a new experience for me as the people in Malaysia never celebrate Christmas and I had never have a chance to cut Christmas tree and decorating it before. It's a fun trip to the farm although it is freezing out there.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Chicago Trip

Last thursday I went to Chicago. It is a four days three nights trip. We went there in thursday morning and come back sunday evening.
Chicago is a big city, the most thing I like about Chicago is that Chicago got a lot of beautiful building. All of these buldings are very unique and you hard to see it in another town.
I went to the art museum on the third day of the trip. Altough I'm not an art student, but still I can see how great are the pictures, and how great are the artist who can make such incredible works.
I'm having fun in these 4 days trip and I really want to thanks my parent for made my dream come true, which is study oversea.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Parents should pay atention to their child

Today I read about a news that was really freaking me out in The news was about there are two elementary school's teachers in China had sexually assault few ten female students.Can you believe that? This is so horrable...
Teachers suppose to be the person that teach children to be good and teach them new things about the world. Accordingly, children usually spent one third of their time in schools; therefore, schools should be healthy and a place that parents trust is the best place for their kids to learn something.
However, these two FXXKing ShXX animal like men were breaking those child's life. They would never know how it would deeply hurt the child, and the child will psychologically hurt forever. What would happen to them when they grow up? How do they suppose to face their life? How are they going to trust other people anymore? Those girls were just only 7 to 8 years old! I saw their parents crying and so angry about the teachers, but do they really realise that they also should be responsible for this incident? If they were giving enough attention to their children, they would have already stop these teachers, and they might had already save other children from this.
Other than this, I saw another news about a 12 years old girl being raped in an old folk house and this had continuously for 3 years. The girl's aunt was the one that found out the story behind when she feels the girl had something different when she visited them. Her aunt her if she was sick and she told her aunt that she got a "bag" in her body. When her aunt found out that she was pregnant, she didn't even know what is that mean! What the hell is happen to these old men? The girl was so young, and she is just 15 years old that year!!! Now, she's already 18 years old.
Hmm... I'm completely pissed off after I watch these news. How can people be so meant to others? How can these people never think what would happen to these child after those incident? I'm feeling bad for those kids. These were only a small part of the truth, and nobody know how many children are being hurt everyday... How sad it is...