Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Have you ever wonder where will you be IF ... ? People always like to say IF I do this, IF I where there... for me, I try not to regret on every steps of my life. How do I do that? I always weight my options and make the best decision I can.
My life right now is a mess! Never in my life I feel so loss and have no idea what I should be doing next. I'm sure this is one of the process of growing; somehow I just can't get over how overwhelmed I'm right now. First, I really feel excited that I'm finally graduated. Then, I THOUGHT I'll be easily get a job and start my normal life as a grown person. After some times of looking for job and wondering around, I loss my purpose and feel useless of doing nothing right now.
The pass few days I was talking to few people who influence me a lot in the past years. I found out that making a right decision now is not that hard. I had became a me that All I need to do is to find back the old me and do the right decision that is BEST for me, MYSELF and no one else. Is $$$ all I wanted or career? right now, it is $$$$. Without it, I have no idea how am I gonna survive.
Everything will be put aside for this few months, after that I'll make my decision whether I will be going back to my family or not... and that... will be the decision that gonna change my life....